Netstock Streamlines Operations with Seamless Migration to Google Workspace

Netstock, a leading inventory management solutions provider, faced challenges with a hybrid collaboration environment split between Microsoft Office and Google Workspace. To unify their tools and enhance operational efficiency, they partnered with CloudSmiths for a seamless migration. We transitioned Netstock to Google Workspace over a single weekend, migrating all data, including Photos and Notes, without business disruption. Post-migration, we provided training and best practices to ensure smooth adoption. Now fully integrated into Google Workspace, Netstock enjoys enhanced collaboration and streamlined operations, positioning them for continued growth and success.

Google Workspace
South Africa

Consolidating a Hybrid Environment

Netstock's existing setup, with some teams operating on Microsoft Office and others on Google Workspace, created inefficiencies and hindered seamless collaboration across the organisation. To fully leverage the capabilities of Google Workspace and optimise their collaborative efforts, Netstock needed to consolidate all operations under one platform. However, the migration process was complicated, requiring careful planning to avoid business disruption and ensure data integrity.

Partnering with CloudSmiths for a Smooth Transition

Netstock turned to us to help them navigate this complex migration. We worked closely with their team to understand their specific requirements and challenges, ensuring that our solution would meet their needs. Our goal was to optimise Netstock’s collaborative working environment by fully integrating all their tools into Google Workspace, including Calendar, Drive, Meet, Gmail, Photos, and Notes.

A Seamless Migration to Google Workspace

We designed and executed a migration plan that allowed Netstock to transition to Google Workspace over a single weekend, ensuring no business disruption or downtime. This seamless migration included moving all data, including Photos and Notes, to Google Workspace, consolidating their entire collaborative environment under one ecosystem. To ensure that the transition was smooth and that Netstock could fully leverage their new tools, we provided two user training sessions for key stakeholders and distributed information packs detailing best practices.

Enhanced Collaboration and Operational Efficiency

Thanks to the successful migration, Netstock is now fully integrated into Google Workspace, allowing their teams to collaborate more effectively using a unified set of tools. With Calendar, Drive, Meet, and Gmail all under one platform, Netstock has streamlined their operations, enabling better communication and collaboration across all locations. The training sessions and information packs provided by CloudSmiths have empowered Netstock’s teams to adopt best practices, further enhancing their ability to collaborate and innovate.

By partnering with CloudSmiths, Netstock was able to consolidate their hybrid environment, reduce inefficiencies, and transform the way they work, setting the stage for continued growth and success.


Google Workspace